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Is it my vision getting blurred or is it this place so dark and creepy?
I am losing consciousness in every split of second,feeling nauseous.
I cannot control my teeth chatterings and my blood clotting out of cold.
I can feel the stone walls of this claustrophobic cell with my swelled hands.
Every single time the four walls closing in towards me.
Am I hallucinating?
If not then I am a slave,but to whom?
The malevolent jailors hound like animals.
They jeer like mindless zombies.
I cannot understand how the time is consumed by.
A bell tolls after certain period of time,reminds an hour may be.
I am getting paralyzed.I am suffocating.

Once I eluded the guards and ran wildly for life.
But fell into a labyrinth and then lost.
They captured me again.
The Almighty Architect of this maze may lose Himself,I fear.
Oh please help me!help me!help me.
I promise I have a key that leads to a Lost Kingdom.
You and I shall go there.
Please,belive me.

I am seeking for help but to whom?You.
I am afraid that you are also condemned,chained into this dungeon.
You yourself cannot find a way out.
I can hear your fingernails screeching.

Tomorrow may be is my execution of mind
and you will also fall into the vortex,I fear.

I am the fool,my imaginations going no where.
This is our sodden World!


Krishanu said…
the gloomy composition in essence inspires awe and veneration... I think your greatest strength is your imagination and the symbolism you bring in between....
correct me if I am wrong...

and applause for the piece again..
Unknown said…
right nw i am stunned by u r piece...i can relate myself to sum of the verses...
rimz said…
no encomium is much for the piece.
readin dis post ,dat eerie feeling of loneliness comes agn n reminds ,soo small n negligible i am on d surface of this earth....
anindyo said…
your sheer power of imagination
and then this vivid expression and what it symbolizes... that we are all slaves all stuck in this maze... of materialism one really knows where they are going one really knows what we are here for... this work its just awe inspiring .... awesome and brilliant.
Urchin said…
i did some silly mistakes...composing this...he he
anindyo said…
what i really like about this post is not only the imagination ..the metaphors and symbolism .. but what you say is so deeply in sync with reality ...i probably feel that this is your best yet .

p.s... N as long as u can detect the errors ..they arnt errors nemore...

Again cant speak highly enough of this one. The best you have written so far .
Urchin said…
i missed some 't' nd all....nd some jumbled i did in other posts also....look ugly anyways..
Thanks 4 appreciation....

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