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Just a Litt'i'le Pinch...OOUCH!!

She was born with silver spoon in hand 
on a thunderous midnight and she never cried.
She is now a hippie and God she wears a Gucci.
She carries a Chanel on one hand and a Poodle on the other.
Christian Dior feels fortunate to be 
on her shimmering feet.
She does her lip-gloss and 
Victoria's Secret immaculate.
She has her OOMPH alright!

She drives a brand new Cadillac,the one her dad gave on her sixteenth.
World stops staring when she scorches the road.
She looks smart when she puffs cocaine 
and walks into the bar with a fistful of dollars.

The limelight is on her and God Brad Pitt wants her!
The Sunflower feels to be ashamed 
when she sparkles on her extravagant apparels.
Scamps want to lick her like a pie;
but she plays her game right.
Watch her move.

Once she looked at me on a crossing 
and I felt dizzy straightaway!
I started chasing her wildly because I thought I should have her.
But I was born with Plastic spoon in hand,my sleazy 
but trustworthy rubber shoes ripped off quickly,
the gilttering chrome disappeared swiftly.
Man!! She is not mine.


Krishanu said…
style of writing is really commendable....and what stands out is the obscurity which brings the clarity out...
Urchin said…
he he...thanks...just a pun...i thought
Unknown said…
mighty 'pun' then....
rimz said…
wat an imagination...
n it seems u hve grrt knowledge abt dese brand

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