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Pretend for the sake of a pretentious world

Make a wish when you are down.
Save a wordlist and go through it everyday.
Pick a song,listen to it over and over again.
Obsession,the good parts.

Take the people as they are.
Can you,even in disguise?
Feel so far away that you can see a light house
and the mighty sea waves hurling themselves.

Take a picture of a homeless man in your mind,
reach out.

Close the space between and wait for the season's first rain.
Watch a perfect mingling of the nature.
Let your thoughts kill each other and
you feel free to walk on the streets.

Don't try to be the sun,don't try to reach the sun,
feel the power of it and shine like the moon.

Like the dark chocolates you always hide,hide the true self of yours.
Find the trapdoor in concealed footsteps.Take the cakes out of bag.
Remember capering on dusty playground in summer time when you were young.
Listen to the song over and over again.



"Don't try to be the sun,don't try to reach the sun,
feel the power of it and shine like the moon"

I liked this line as i feel the same...
It is not required to reach the powerful...feel the strength that is in u and you will b powerful...

Well written...:)
Seriusly...awsum comosition

first stanza...i cud associate one or more individual with the every line

the rest was reflection of thoughts or actions sumone comes across quite often

and the last part is like going down the memory lane...memoirs we try to cling onto forever....

Without all these any1s life is InCoMpLeTe....and even when one has experienced all this, Life is he desires to experience it one more time.

P.S. : my eagerness to read more of ur compositions remains incomplete as I wait for more of them :-) :-)
Urchin said…
loving your detailed view on this..i dnt know..i wrote this in a jiffy..was thinking its stupid.


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