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Showing posts from November, 2008

the wrath of a devil...

muzzle-load,shoot,bleed,die. I rejoice every moment of it. As I conquer again and again. I take pride killing Gandhi,Lennon,Kennedy. I have witnessed the Independence marchings, Student revolts genocides and the impotent brits killing innocents. I have soaked the History pages with blood. I am made of a lead-core and I am 8mm calibre. I always hit the target when I am being propelled. And then miseries grasp like supersonics.Maelstrom. I exhilarate. I smile when you squabble and fool around. Violence,revenge flowing through your blood. You conspire to kill. And I thrive. Seem like your brains have already been eaten up by Maggots. I am holding life-magic wand of the corroding Hummanity. My hand of power cannot be denied. I will stand alone at the end. muzzle-load,shoot,bleed,die. I am made of a lead-core and I am 8mm calibre.


Is it my vision getting blurred or is it this place so dark and creepy? I am losing  consciousness in every split of second,feeling nauseous. I cannot control my teeth chatterings and my blood clotting out of cold. I can feel the stone walls of this claustrophobic cell with my swelled hands. Every single time the four walls closing in towards me. Am I hallucinating? If not then I am a slave,but to whom? The malevolent jailors hound like animals. They jeer like mindless zombies. I cannot understand how the time is consumed by. A bell tolls after certain period of time,reminds an hour may be. I am getting paralyzed.I am suffocating. Once I eluded the guards and ran wildly for life. But fell into a labyrinth and then lost. They captured me again. The Almighty Architect of this maze may lose Himself,I fear. Oh please help me!help me!help me. I promise I have a key that leads to a Lost Kingdom. You and I shall go there. Please,belive me. I am seeking for help but to whom?You. I am afraid th

Just a Litt'i'le Pinch...OOUCH!!

She was born with silver spoon in hand  on a  thunderous midnight and she never cried. She is now a hippie and God she wears a Gucci. She carries a Chanel on one hand and a Poodle on the other. Christian Dior feels fortunate to be  on her shimmering feet. She does her lip-gloss and  Victoria's Secret immaculate. She has her OOMPH alright! She drives a brand new Cadillac,the one her dad gave on her sixteenth. World stops staring when she scorches the road. She looks smart when she puffs cocaine  and walks into the bar with a fistful of dollars. The limelight is on her and God Brad Pitt wants her! The Sunflower feels to be ashamed  when she sparkles on her extravagant apparels. Scamps want to lick her like a pie; but she plays her game right. Watch her move. Once she looked at me on a crossing  and I felt dizzy straightaway! I started chasing her wildly because I thought I should have her. But I was born with Plastic spoon in hand,my sleazy  but trustworthy rubber shoes ripped off qu

Scent of A Woman....

I remember the day,I was carried away by an aroma to a skinny alley of this tainted town. The scent was diffused all over,I guess. And it was a distinct smell amongst the filth. Then what I saw! I saw an extremely beautiful flower blossoming from a rupture of an austere brick wall. No Origin of S pecies could define it. The colours were vibrant,fragrance was maddening. I felt the presence of a Woman. "Oh!Wicked boy get away from her, please maidens don't pick her up!", I cried deliberately. She was dancing with the wind,waving her body like an angel. I sensed her,touched her,watched her devouringly. But Alas!Time passed by quickly and  suddenly she started wilting. I realized the day had turned into dusk; lights were diminishing. She could not live without Sun. She would die in the cold of Night. Transgressors would strip her,molest her,murder her. She had no tomorrow! I wept childishly and hoped that  the Sun would rise again. But your God did not hear my prayer, all th

Everything is gonna be OKay...

Wake Up!Don't you hear the rooster's call? Come on don't waste the new sunrise on the new horizon. Its a special day,its your birthday,our birthday. Open your doors. Breathe the exuberant fresh air. See everyone the Gypsies,the Red Indians and the people of Ghetto have joined us. We are waiting for you. Come on. This is the day,we don't have any known destination. Bring your old guitar. Don't worry,play the wrong notes. Bring your water-colours also. We will paint the  dull streets. The people from Paris have brought the finest Wine and Cheese, don't you want that? Come on. Everything is gonna be Okay. At least give a try to What You Are Not! bonne journée

The Guitar in Unison....

It was one evening like other evenings that I was having a cigarette sitting on a step, I was looking at the workaholic men,at the neon-bathed city streets.The traffic lights were going red in a fine rythm.There were endless cars,eardrum torturing noises,voises.One or two vagabonds,crackheads were doing some caricatures of their own. I saw a man carrying a suitcase with him ordered for a tea from the tea-seller in front of me.Suddenly two skeleton structures came out of the dark.They grabbed the gentleman's costly pant with their rough,coal-black hands.They gestured for something.I think it was for Money.They could not speak because they have been starving and they didn't have the energy.Quite strangely the man didn't pay heed to those half-dead,empty-stomach children.I thought he'd plenty and could throw some.But he didn't.He had his tea,shrugged his legs and walked away beleagueredly.Strange.The two 'creatures' disappeared into the darkness. I took a lungf

A journey...

We are speeding recklessly in the dead of night, heading towards the untouched woods, annihilating the pain and sorrow,throwing dirt to the Great erection of the dictator. We are the law breakers. The music is full evangeling the words of freedom. Shout it out loud!! We are the storm-bringers. It must be the ecstacy for which we have forgotten the care for future. The past is blurred,is this because the boozes? The engine revvs up and we take a turn. The winding roads end up here and the woods beckon. We will have a feast of friends. We have unwrapped the Present sent by the magical Sunrise enriched with Birds voices. Dive into the groove.

A Dreamer's Call...

Yes,I have missed the teacher's lecture. I have missed the train which leads us to the success. And I don't know how to survive in this strange land. I lose my way to home; I cannot recognize the faces. Because I have closed my eyes; I cannot see the pauper's crippled child anymore. I have shut my ears because I cannot bear the gun-firings.I am sick. But  my friend and I have found a new land,our senses are full. I don't know whether it exists! The fireflies lead us to the shore of the dazzling river in the night. And yes,we walked there barefoot. The ambience was unusual, there were whisperings,I couldn't make out who they were. And there was the beautiful Egyptian fragrance which aroused me up. We reside there now. And the engine doesn't whine there, we don't read the Communist Manifesto there, Oh!Yes,we did kill the hundreds of George W. Bush. Do you want to come with us and behold the copulations of nature. Hurry up!!I've come here to take you with m