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Neat and clean.smartened hair,
little jhonny is going to school...
Scampering through the rooms...
Can't be late,can't miss anything.
Carrying weight of the world on his back.No imagination.
Impatient daddy,moves ten minutes faster than rest of the world,waiting in his car.
Children,dirty and poor,pausing their street games as the car makes its way.
Little jhonny watches them with curiosity as they are fading away.

He couldn't realize when the sun went back home.
Little jhonny misses the day's play.
Autobiography,history books galore...
Dexter's laboratory is all dusty...unproductive...
His little red fish dies in the bowl all alone.


AyAn! said…
Fantastic,but a tad unrefined!

perhaps the rat race will never end.
it is no more just survival for the is survival for the fastest 2.
money outshines passion, goals outshine dreams,monotony outshines creativity.

good compostion!!! nice read
dj said…
really nice..khub bhalo

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