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Showing posts from October, 2014

The one legged man and others

Standing on the side of the road , today , everyday, was a one legged man. Others in haste receded the one legged man. Others still passing by , Sun went down , today , everyday; The one legged man disappeared. The one legged man ,wearing colorless loin cloths, was standing crooked. Pained? Cannot run and cannot hide against the dark dust storm coming to sweep everything away. Feared? Cannot sleep and cannot speak , his arm had no charity. Death? Perhaps he is living like all the others who crossed this road in the morning.

A better world?

Rain soaked city streets, perfect day for friendly tweets , coffee and cigarettes all together. Not a day for military marches , uncanny noises of boots, sirens and alarms. A day that may never come , 'cause tomorrow , the drones will fly with superiority. Men , women and children, sleeping tonight , had their meals shared. Wake up, never, today is the perfect day. Tomorrow , maybe we'll see the same slick black cars rampaging the city streets again. No peace.No rest. Can all of us, be not live in hunger? And can all of us, be not proud of what we are together? Can a system be changed while living in it at the same time? We are parasites. We can only destroy and be less appreciative. We can let a farmer starved to death. We can murder an unborn girl child. Never, we'll walk the same road together. Never, we'll mix colors into one. Never, we'll exist for a world that a hungry kid imagines. Never, there can be a better world than this. Perhaps, g